virtual reality technology

A New Age of Entertainment Technology and How’s It Changing the Industry


As technology advances, the entertainment industry is continuously changing to keep up with consumer demands. Although cable and dish networks are still a popular choice form of entertainment, with nearly 50% of global consumers supplementing that with live streaming pay-for-services video providers such as Netflix—recent advancements are introducing new ways to entertain.

Here are some of the most significant game-changers in entertainment technology you should look out for.

Spatial Video Design

Project mapping or designing spaces with videos has roots far back in the 1960s, where the debut of the classic Haunted Mansion ride Disneyland used the concept in 1969. It has led to a couple of breathtaking creations worldwide. More companies are designing entire event spaces with audiovisual media, producing more captivating content while simultaneously running content on different surfaces in the same area.   This revolutionary concept will change how event spaces such as exhibits and convention centers tour across the globe, allowing event planners to bring and share their unique digital designs via file server cloud storage. Plus, event design possibilities using the latest technologies are becoming endless, expanding entertainment experts’ creativity from all around.

Virtual Reality Activities

One of the hottest tech trends in entertainment technology is virtual reality (VR). Over the years, consumer interest in VR has skyrocketed thanks to its popularization via the video games industry, providing plenty of entertainment options. The most prominent ones come in actual VR centers where visitors can spend time playing games or exploring different worlds in a virtual environment. These VR centers have seen an increase in size and capacity with some countries, implementing VR theme-parks, providing virtual alternatives to different activities, ranging from rock climbing to laser tag.

Enhanced Immersive

Experiences Immersive technology has become a buzzword flooding numerous corporate marketing campaigns, providing a unique, stimulating sensory experience that alters audiences’ physical and mental state—captivating them more. With detailed planning, accurate placement of audio cues, stunning graphics, and colors, and instinctual dramaturgy, anyone can create a new “world.” It ‘heightens’ the overall experience, capturing the interests of audience members more.   This technological advancement has a broad range of possibilities and can cater to a vast audience. Whether it’s a stimulating fan experience to attract fans into a player’s perspective or a wholly immersive environment—the mix of visual and audio creations are limitless.

Voice Technology

Using voice technology will continue to rise as consumer demand increases, with most people looking for convenient ways to enjoy their favorite content. Moreover, recent surveys suggest that 17% of American broadband households own internet-connected entertainment and smart home devices. As voice interaction becomes more common with today’s gadgets, consumer preferences are now shifting towards smart home devices and streaming services alongside voice assistants and other connected services.

Digital Decor

playing video games

There’s no need to worry about wasted resources, limited color options, and not having space at home with the latest entertainment technology. Decor can become a blended element with entertainment, creating a stunning and lasting impression on guests. Anyone can now design the event experience via programmed decorating, allowing you to change the aesthetics or vibe of an environment throughout an event.

Metamorphic Staging

Kinetic stage designs are always crowd-pleasers in huge headlining concerts or ceremonies. Now, thanks to its success and technological advancements, the grandeur of moving set pieces are becoming easier to produce using robotics and digital screens. This factor allows numerous performance platforms and content to occur following the same digital design—providing more flexibility and better engagement with the audience.

Although technological enhancements in the entertainment sector have been a well-known asset in the industry, there have been massive thematic shifts in technology reliance over the past decades—leading to a new entertainment era. The best part is after the latest advancements mentioned, it’s only going to get better from there.


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