
AI vs AGI: What’s the Difference and Which is More Likely to Surpass Human Intelligence?


AI (Artificial Intelligence) and AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) are two terms that refer to the ability of computers to think and act like humans. AI is focused on a singular task, while AGI has more general intelligence capabilities, such as understanding language, problem-solving, learning new skills, etc.

AI and AGI are having an increasing impact on our lives. AI is being used to automate driving, facial recognition, and image processing tasks. AGI is beginning to be used in more complex applications such as medical diagnosis, natural language processing (NLP), and robot navigation.

If AI or AGI were to surpass human intelligence, it could have a significant impact on many aspects of our lives. AGI & AI can automate tasks that would otherwise require human labor, leading to job displacement. Additionally, AI and AGI have the potential to exceed human capabilities in a wide range of areas, such as medical diagnosis, image recognition, and financial analysis. This could lead to unprecedented levels of efficiency in many industries.

So, it is AI vs AGI, AI vs. humans, and is one more likely to surpass the other in human intelligence?

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Understanding AI

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the ability of computers to think and act like humans. AI involves the use of algorithms and data-driven models to enable machines to carry out automated tasks such as facial recognition, driving, natural language processing (NLP), image processing, financial analysis, and more. Current applications of AI include self-driving cars, facial recognition technology, speech recognition software, and image processing algorithms.

However, despite its impressive capabilities, current AI systems have their limitations. They are limited by their ability to understand natural language and reasoning processes. For example, computers can only recognize patterns that they’ve been programmed to recognize and can’t interpret new input in an unexpected context.

Additionally, AI is limited in its ability to learn and adapt to changing environments, as it is only able to process and respond to predefined scenarios. These limitations make AI unable to match the complexity of human intelligence.

What Do Studies Say

According to a 2018 paper, author Paul Walton says that Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have the potential to significantly alter people’s and organizations’ interactions with technology and information. Yet, like with any kind of information processing, they are susceptible to information restrictions related to how information grows in information ecosystems.

These constraints are created by the combinatorial obstacles of information processing, as well as tradeoffs induced by selection forces. His limits analysis outlines some of the existing issues with AI and machine learning and indicates the concepts necessary to overcome the limitations when applying AI and machine learning in companies. Applying the same sort of study to artificial general intelligence (AGI) identifies several significant theoretical concerns.

A Robot Holding a Cup

What Is AGI: Artificial Inteligence or More?

AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) is the ability of computers to think and act like humans across a variety of tasks and contexts. AGI seeks to replicate human intelligence in a general way rather than being limited to one specific task or set of data. Unlike AI, AGI should have the capability to learn from experience and develop new skills.

The potential of AGI to surpass human intelligence is immense. With its ability to learn from experience and adapt to changing environments, AGI can exceed the capabilities of even the most talented humans in a wide range of tasks. This could lead to unprecedented levels of efficiency in many industries.

For example, AGI-driven medical diagnosis systems could provide more accurate and timely diagnoses than human doctors, leading to better patient care. Similarly, AGI-driven financial analysis systems could provide more accurate and reliable analysis of markets than humans, leading to better investment decisions.

The implications of AGI surpassing human intelligence are far-reaching and complex. In the short term, AGI could lead to increased automation of certain tasks and industries, resulting in job displacement and economic disruption. In the long term, AGI could lead to advances in many fields, such as medicine, transportation, energy production, and more.

What Do Studies Say

To answer the question of what AGI is capable of, we’ll use the 2021 Conceptual Analysis article: Human- versus Artificial Intelligence article. There, the authors have first outlined human flaws, such as limited cognitive capacity and ingrained cognitive biases. Yet, the article also outlines that we, as humans, have advantages, too, including the “alter ego.”

So, can AGI surpass human intelligence? Yes, if we are talking about computation, adaptation, and speed, but not yet, if we are referring to emotional intelligence, as states as friendships, partners, and alter egos.

The Differences Between AI and AGI: What is AGI vs AI All About

The main difference between AI vs AGI include:

  • Scope
  • Flexibility
  • Intelligence capabilities
  • Learning models

While AI is focused on solving specific tasks, AGI seeks to replicate human-level intelligence across a variety of tasks and contexts. Additionally, AI is limited in its ability to learn from experience and adapt to changing environments, while AGI can learn and adapt to new situations.

AI systems are also limited in interpreting natural language and complex reasoning processes, whereas AGI is more capable in this area. Moreover, AI is often limited to a single task or set of data, while AGI can generalize its existing knowledge to a variety of tasks.

AI has been used in many different applications, such as facial recognition and image processing. For example, Facebook uses AI to detect faces in photos and tag users automatically. Amazon also uses AI technology to personalize product recommendations based on customers’ browsing history. AGI, on the other hand, does not yet exist in the form that it is meant to.

According to the 2022 Expert Survey on Progress in AI, which was released at the 2021 NIPS and ICML conferences, AI experts anticipate that high-level machine intelligence will not arise until 2059. This still points out that they believe that AGI will eventually surpass us – just not yet.

The Race for AGI

Many companies and research organizations are investing heavily in “intelligent” technology, and they have been for quite some time now. Facebook, Google, Tesla, SingularityNET, OpenAI,  DeepMind, and Furutre AI are heavily invested in AGI.

Yet, it’s crucial to remember that most of what we know today as intelligent machines are based on AI, not AGI. Here, we are referring to self-driving systems, such as Tesla, and virtual digital assistants, such as Siri, Alexa, Cortana, etc.

According to The Race for an Artificial General Intelligence: Implications for Public Policy paper, AGI does not yet exist – but it is a goal that just might be achievable. Another paper talks about the impact of AI and AGI on society, including social, industrial, and financial changes to the world we know.

While unemployment and wealth inequality is likely to increase, there are positive benefits from developing AGI technologies, such as fast and way more accurate medical diagnosis, reduced biases and human errors during computation and decision-making, and surgical contributions.

AGI’s Impact & Expectations

As we already mentioned, the potential impact of AGI on society is immense. For example, AGI could help improve medical diagnoses and treatments, as well as automate warehouses and make product recommendations more accurate.

Furthermore, AGI could also be used to help further scientific research by providing a more powerful tool for data-driven analysis. We can also add that AGI could facilitate the development of self-driving cars, robots, and other autonomous systems, probably much better than the AI systems we have today.

According to the latest Annual AGI Conference, Ben Goertzel, an AI researcher, CEO, and creator of SingularityNET, and head of the OpenCog Foundation, spoke on the health of the industry during the inaugural keynote speech.

He looked optimistic about the future of AGI, noting, “We are years away rather than decades away.” This would put the ultimate launch of an AGI around 2029, the same year Ray Kurzweil, one of the world’s premier innovators and futurists, notably anticipated the development of an AI with human-level intellect.

Woman Pointing Finger on Bionic Hand

Potential Implications of AGI Surpassing Human Intelligence

If AGI is able to surpass human-level intelligence in the next few years, it could have far-reaching implications for society. We’ve already mentioned some of the impacts that AGI could have on society, but let’s go a bit deeper:

  • The development of AGI could lead to job loss and economic disruption. This is because AGI technology could automate many jobs that humans currently occupy, such as customer service agents or factory workers.
  • AGI could also lead to further economic inequality in terms of wealth distribution. In fact, AGI technology could give certain individuals or organizations a competitive advantage over others due to their access to the most advanced AGI technology.
  • The ethical implications of AGI surpassing human intelligence are more of a challenge than an implication. As such, it is important to ensure that AGI technology is developed in a way that safeguards the interests of humanity. Researchers must also consider how AGI technology could be used for malicious purposes.

Possible Solutions to Ethical Implications

In order to address the potential implications of AGI surpassing human intelligence, many businesses and organizations have started to consider ethical issues related to AI and AGI technology:

  • Microsoft has launched its AI for Good initiative to identify potential ethical and moral issues related to AI development. The company has also created a Framework for Responsible AI to help ensure that its AI technologies are developed ethically.
  • Google has also addressed ethical issues related to AI and AGI by launching its AI Principles. These principles focus on areas such as fairness, privacy, and safety. Google has also created a set of AI Research Guidelines to ensure that its AI technologies are developed with ethical standards in mind.
  • OpenAI has launched its Ethics and Governance Framework to address ethical issues related to AI and AGI. The framework focuses on areas such as safety, fairness, trustworthiness, and accountability. Not to forget the framework also provides guidance on how to mitigate risks associated with developing AI and AGI technology.

Today’s AGI Challenges

One of the most difficult aspects of developing an AGI is devising a rewards system that can scale intelligence in the most informed way possible. Moravec’s conundrum highlights the present difficulty in developing AGI with existing technology. According to this paradox, adaptations that seem natural to a one-year-old, such as learning to walk and replicate reality, are significantly more complex to design in an AI than just what we, as people, think of as difficult.

For humans, learning chess or completing difficult mathematical calculations can take a lifetime, yet these are two very simple jobs for limited AIs. Evolutionary training, often known as evolutionary algorithms, might be one answer to this contradiction. This effectively allows an AI to look for complicated answers by emulating human development. Papers such as the What can nonhuman animals, children, and g tell us about human-level artificial general intelligence (AGI)? tell us more about the subject and the current challenges of the industry.


To summarize, AI and AGI are two distinct forms of artificial intelligence. AI is an umbrella term that refers to software programs and algorithms that are able to carry out specific tasks automatically. AGI, on the other hand, is a more advanced form of artificial intelligence that is capable of performing complex tasks and surpassing human intelligence. Both AI and AGI have the potential to cause economic disruption due to their ability to automate certain jobs.

Additionally, AGI’s development could lead to further economic inequality due to its potential to give certain individuals or organizations a competitive advantage. Yet it is important to consider the ethical implications of AGI technology, which could pose a risk to humanity if it is used for malicious purposes. As such, businesses and organizations should ensure that AI and AGI technologies are developed responsibly.

The winner of the battle between AI vs AGI is clear – AGI will be superior. But for now, it’s not yet real.


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