online game

Technology Is Getting Us Through the Pandemic


When we talk about technology, we round off its most telling benefits in terms of education, business, communication, and security. We overlook the fact that entertainment is also one of the industries that benefited from technological achievement. For the past five months, we’ve been at the mercy of technology—whether it’s to receive news about the coronavirus pandemic or to get in touch with our family and friends or simply to help us get through a government- and self-imposed social isolation.

The thing about using technology for entertainment is you don’t have to worry about things such as the SQL server performance monitor or what language was used to make content. That differs if you have to use technology as a tool for education and business. In that context, you have to understand the pros and cons of each platform and use it to your business or learning advantage.

But with entertainment, all you have to do is be conscious of the content you consume and enjoy the show. There’s no technicality involved, which always puts off technologically challenged people when it comes to using devices and gadgets. And during the pandemic, the thought of not having to mind what entertains you fueled your survival mode. Here is something that you can control. You can’t control how the government and people react to the pandemic, but you can control how technology entertains and infuriates you.

Streaming Service

Unless you live under a rock, you have heard about Netflix. It’s an on-demand streaming service with hundreds of thousands of titles—movies, TV series, documentaries, original titles, and many others. Its library continues to grow and depending on the region you’re living in, you’ll be surprised to find some local titles there as well. There are other streaming services if Netflix isn’t your cup of tea. You can check out Hulu, Sling, Disney, Amazon Prime, CBS All Access, and Apple TV.

If you are bored out of your wits, as kids are these days, you can have a Netflix party. There’s a Netflix Chrome extension on your Chrome browser that allows you to stream the same movie at the same time with people you invited to your Netflix Party. So, you can have a Zoom conference, watch the same movie, and react and comment on it like you’re all together in a room.


Forget Mario Brothers and King Kong. Gaming is on a whole new level right now. Not only are the graphics and effects mind-blowing, but the storytelling has vastly improved, too. Games now have an open-world plan. They are bringing gamers into the story. As a player, you can decide which path to take and join with other players in completing the mission.

You’ll get lost in the gaming world if you’re not careful. A year in social isolation with only the gaming computer in front of you might not even be enough. But for many young adults (and even older ones), these interactive games have become a form of escape from the crisis that’s happening.



Purists have always looked down on e-books. There’s nothing like the feel of the book in your hands, they said. But when the pandemic hit, libraries and bookstores have to close down. Many of them have closed their doors even before the pandemic. The deep-rooted problems of publishing were not caused by the pandemic, after all.

If you have finished reading the books in your mini library, you can take advantage of being able to download a book from the internet. If you don’t want to buy a copy, you can “borrow” one from an online library. There are plenty of options to get your hands on a title you want. Some websites even offer the free download of classic novels and biographies.

Smart Speaker Games

Do you have Alexa or Google Assistant in your home? Do you know you can use them for games, too? Yes, that’s right. Alexa is more than just something you can ask about the headlines and the weather. The device can play games, too. You can download new “skills” from the Amazon website, or you can say “Alexa, play True or False.” There are plenty of games you can choose from. Some games can even be played with up to four players, so the whole family can join in the fun.

Try to make the most out of this period in your life. It’s not easy. Who says it is? But with the help of family, friends, and even technology, you can get through this pandemic mentally and emotionally stable.


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